Kuran Müslümanı

(Şahıs odaklı din anlayışından Allah odaklı din anlayışına...)

Ana Sayfa Hanif Mumin  Iste Kuran Kurandaki Din  Kur'an Yolu  Meal Dinle Sohbet Odasi Hanifler E- Kitaplik Kütüb-i Sitte ?  ingilizce Site Kuran islami Aliaksoy Org  Hasanakcay Net Tebyin-ül Kur'an Önerdiğimiz Siteler Bize Ulasin


- Konulara Göre Fihrist

- Saçma Hadisler

- Hadislerin-Sünnetin İncelemesi

- Haniflikle İlgili Sorular Cevaplar

- Misakın Elçisi Kim?

- Kuranda Namaz/Salat

- Onaylayan Nebi

- Kuranda Namaz/Salat

- Enbiya 104

- Kuranda Yeminler

- Adem Hakkında Sorular

- Ganimetleri Resulün Eline Nasıl Vereceğiz?

- Allahın ındinde YIL ve DOLUNAYLAR

- Abese ve Tevella

- Hadisçilerce Tahrif Edilen Ayetler

- Mübarek Yer, Mübarek Vakit

- Arkadaş Peygamber

- Kuranın İndirilişinden Günümüze Gelişi

- Bir Türban Sorusu

- Kuran ve Bize Öğretilenlerin Farkı

- Namazın Kılınışı

- Hadislere Göre Namaz

- Kuranda Salat Namaz mıdır?

- Kuran Yetmez Diyen Uydurukçular

- Bizler Hanif Dostlarız

- Sahih Hadis mi İstersiniz?

- Hakkı Yılmaz'ın Tebyin Çalışması

- Kur'anı Anlamada Metodoloji

- Tarikatçıların Çarpıttığı Birkaç Ayet

- Nasıl Kur'an Okuyalım?

- Kur'anı Kerim Nedir?

- Kur'anda Oruç

- Allah'sız Bir Din ve Allah'sız Bir Kur'an İnancı

- Kuransız Bir İslam Anlayışı ve Müşrikleşme

- Meal Çalışmasına Davet

- Allah Şahit Olarak Kafi Değil mi?

- Doğru Hadisleri Ne Yapacağız?

- Kur'andaki Muhammed ve Peygamberlerin Misyonu

- Mahrem, Avret, Ziynet

- Nur Suresi Çeviri-Yorum

- Cilbab

- Resule İtaat Ne Demektir?

- Hadis Kalburcuları ve Kalburları

- Kur'anı Kerim'in İndiriliş Gayesi

- Kur'anda Amellere Karşı Cahili Yaklaşım

- İslamdışı İnanışlara Kur'andan Örnekler

- Biri Şu Haram Üretim Tesislerini Kapatsın

- Tasavvufta İslam Var mı?

- İslamda Delil Sorunu

- Kurban Kesmek

- İlahi Hitabın Serüveni

- Ecel Nedir?

- Şirk, İşrak, Müşrik, Müşareke, Müşterik

- Büyü Yapan ve Yaptıranlar

- Peygamberlere Karşı Rabbani Yaklaşımlar

- Salat-ı Tefriciye yada Zikri Çarpıtmaya Bir Örnek

- Mucize Nedir?

- Ayrılıkların Nedenleri

- Sıfır Hata veya Kur'an

- Haniflik Nedir?

- Rabıta İle Şeyhlere Tapanlar

- Hadis Zindanının Mezhepçi Mahkumları

- İslam Dininin Öğrenilmesinde Kaynak Sorunu

- Fasık ve Münafıkların Genel Tanımlaması

- Hadisler, Hıristiyanlık ve Selman Rüştü

- Kur'anı kerim'in İndiriliş Gayesi

- Müstekbirlere Karşı Cahili Yaklaşım

- Halis-Hanif İslam

- Kur'anda Şefaat

- Fuhuş Tellalı Tefsirciler

- Hayızlıyken Neden Namaz Kılınmasın?

- Cebrail, Vahiy, Melek

- Dindarlıkta Müşrikleşme Temayülü

- Büyü Yapan ve Yaptıranlar

- Yaratılış, Adem, Havva

- Kur'an Yerel mi, Evrensel mi?

- Reform Dinde mi, Dindarlıkta mı?

- Ne Mutlu Tağutu Olmayanlara

- Peygambere Saygı(?)

- Hadislere Kanıt Diye Gösterilen Ayetler

- Allah Nazara Karışmadı mı?

- Kur'anı Kerimle Amel Etmek Mümkün mü?

- Kur'anda İnkar Edenlerin Vasıfları

- Müminlerin Vasıfları

- Allah'ın Vasıfları

- Kur'anın Vasıfları

- Dine Karşı Cahili Yaklaşımlar

- Kur'an Merkezli Din

- İrin Küpü Patladı; Mevlana

- Hurafe ve Bidatlar

- Peygamberi Tanrılaştırma

- Hz. İsa'nın Ölümü

- Allah'ın Mesajının Adı: Kelamullah

- Allah'ın Resule Uyarıları

- Kur'ana Göre Tenkit ve Eleştiri Nasıl Olmalı?

- Kur'anda Sevgi

- Sofuların Devlet Desteğiyle Desteklenmesi

- Hans Von Aiberg Aldatmacası

- Kabir Azabı Safsatası

- Kur'an Kıssalarının Önemi; Masal Değiller

- Kur'anda Toplumsal Sünnetler

- Tefsirde İsrailiyyat

- Kardeş Evliliği Olmadan Çoğalma

- Hans Von Aiberg Tutuklandı

- Kur'anda Tevbe Kavramı

- Yaşar Nuri Öztürk'ün Yorumuyla Namaz

- Karadelikler; Bir Büyük Yemin

- Mezhepçilerin Ümmi Açmazı

- Kabe Nedir? Mekkede midir, Kudüste mi?

- Kur'anda Ruh Kavramı

- Kur'anda Nefs Kavramı

- Amin Kavramı ve Putperestlik

- Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığının Sitemize Cevabına Cevaplar

- Resul ve Nebi -1

- Resul ve Nebi -2

- Sapık Bir Fırka: Hansçılar

- Cihad mı, Çapulculuk mu?

- Kur'an Deyip Namazı Yok Sayanlar

- Cennete Sadece Müslümanlar mı Girecek?

- Kur'anda El Kesme Cezası var mı?

- Nazar veya Göz Değmesi Var mı?

- Şehadet Getir, Münafık(?) Ol

- Kur'anda Eleştiri Metodu

- Hacc Mekkede mi, Bekkede mi?

- İslami Tebliğde Kur'an Metodu

- Saptırılan Kavram: Mekruh

- Kur'anda Cuma Namazı var mı?

- Of Be Kader, Allah mı Suçlu Yoksa Biz mi?

- Kader Açısından Cebir ve İhtiyar

- Baban Peygamber Olsa Ne Yazar

- Kur'anda İnsan Hukuku

- Vahdet-i Vücud, Şirkin Alası

- Tasavvufi Bilginin Kaynağı Vahiy mi?

- İslam'da Resullük Son Bulmuştur

- Teveffi Kelimesi ve Arap Dili

- Tasavvuf Üzerine Düşünceler

- Nefis Mertebelerinin İç Yüzü

- Allah Rızası Anonim Şirketi; Tarikatlar

- Tasavvuf ve Eşcinsellik -1

- Tasavvuf ve Eşcinsellik -2

- Nakşi Şeyhi Allah'ın Avukatı mı?

- Kur'anda "ve+la" Öbeği

- Putlar ve Tapanlar

- Son Peygamberimizin Okuma Yazması

- Mesih ve çarpıtılan Bir Ayet

- Hac İzlenimleri

- "Üzerinde 19 var" da Son Nokta

- Secde Emri

- Kur'andaki Hac

- Aracıların Gaybı Bildiği İnancı

- Tarikatçı - Müşrik Karşılaştırması

- Gazali'nin Kadına Bakışı

- Kur'anda Kadına Verilen Önem

- Başörtüsü Allah'ın Emri Değil

- Başörtüsü Takmak Kur'anda Var mı?

- Kur'anda Kadın Dövmek Var mı?

- Cariye, Köle; Utanmaz Mealciler

- Kadına Yönelik Şiddet

- Sünnet Edilen Kızın Öyküsü

- Erkekçe ve Kadınca Meal Konusu, Nebe 33. Ayet

- Harem - Selamlık Kimin Emri?

- Zina, Evlilik ve Örtünme Adabı

- Cariyeleri Aç, Hür Kadınları Kapat (!)

- Çok Eşliliği Yasaklayan Ayetler

- Kur'ana Göre Evlilik Hukuku

- 2 Kadın = 1 Erkek, Uydurma mı?

- Danimarkalı mı Sapık, Buhari mi?

- Ebu Hanife, Cariyenin Avreti

- Nisa 25, Hür Kadın ve Fahişe İfadesi

- Maymunların Hadisi ve Recm Vahşeti

- Hz. Muhammed'in Tebliği

- Peygamberi Tanrılaştırma

- Angarya Haline Getirilen İbadet

- Buhari'nin Hadislerini Buhari Yazmamıştır

- Hadis ve Sünnet Gerçeği

- Uydurma Hadisler, İslamın Kara Boyası

- Hadisler Dinin kaynağı Olamaz

- Uydurmaların Sınırı Yok; Şeytan Geyiği

- Beşeri Hükümler Neden Kutsal Oluyor?

- Hadis - Kur'an Çelişkisi

- Kur'anda/Dinde Olanlar ve Olmayanlar

- Cehennem'den Çıkış Yok

- Kur'anda Tağut

- Ebu Hureyre Gerçekte Kimdir?

- Hadis - Mantık Çelişkileri

- Kurban ve Kurban Bayramı Nereden Geliyor?

- Hadislere Göre Kur'an Eksiktir

- Bildiri: İslam Anlayışında Reform

- Arapça mı, Arap Saçı mı?

- Koca mı Üstün, Allah mı?

- Esbab-ı Nüzül Komedi Hadisleri

- İşte Geleneğin Dini

- Ulul Emir İle Kim Kastediliyor?

- Kul Hakkı

- Yezidi Bir Gelenek: Aşure Tatlısı

- Hz. İbrahim'den Asrımıza Dersler

- Taklitçiliğin Boyutları

- Seb-ul Mesani Nedir?

- Kelle Sayılarak Gerçek Bulmak

- Kıyamet - Mahşer Günü ve Sonrası

- Kur'anda Namaz Vakitleri

- Kur'anda Cuma Konusu

- Salih Olmak Yetmez

- Hudeybiye Anlaşması Uydurma mı?

- Kitap Yüklü Eşekler

- Kur'andaki Hac

- Hz. Nuh'un Oğlu Kimdi? İftira mı?

- Ruhun Ağırlığına Başka Bakış

- Hz. İbrahim Yalancı Değildi

- İncil'de Kadına Bakış

- Şirkin Büyüğü Küçüğü Olur mu?

- Kur'andaki Abdest ve Hijyen

- Din de Bir Araçtır

- Kur'an Okumanın Zararları

- Kur'anda Dua Ayetleri

- Kur'anda Tarih Kavramı ve Bilinci

- Şekilsel Secde Kur'anda Yok mu?

- Salat ve salatı İkame

- Kur'andaki Emr Kavramı Üzerine

- Dindar İnsanlar Şirk Koşar

- Alak Suresinin İlk Beş Ayeti

- Men Arefe'nin Çözümü

- Kur'andaki Av Yasağı

- Fıtrat ve Namaz Vakitleri

- Kur'anda İnsan Hukuku

- Din Büyüklerini Tanrılaştırma

- Allah'a ve Muhammed'e Değil

- Kur'andaki Örnek Tevekkül

- Şekilsel Rüku Kur'anda Yok mu?

- Hz. İbrahim Kuşları Kesti mi?

- Ehli Sünnet Dininin Anayasası

- İnsan Allah'ın Halifesi mi?

- Kur'an Üzerinde Düşünmek

- Şirkin Kuyusuna Düşenlere Uyarılar

- Kur'an Ölülere Okunmak İçin mi İndirildi?

- Ayda Okunan Kur'an Masalı

- Hz. İbrahim, Safa ve Merve Masal mı?

- "Haç"er-ul Esved (!)

- Mevlana Sahte Bir Peygamber Değil mi?

- Tasavvufun Tanrısı İki Zıttır

- Kur'andaki Tasavvuf: Teveccüh

- Önce Batıl ve Hurafe İle Savaşalım

- Resuller Haram Kılamaz mı?

- Elçi Muhammed ile İnsan Muhammed'in Farkı

- Tarikatlarda Aracılar Rezaleti

- Nur Suresi 31. Ayet Nasıl Çarpıtılıyor?

- Sırat Kıldan İnce, Kılıçtan Keskin mi?

- Kur'anda Zalimler

- Bütün Mehdileri Çöpe Atıyoruz

- Kur'ana Göre Ramazan Ayı ve Haram Aylar

- Tasavvufçuların İlahı; Varlık ve Yokluk

- Tasavvufçuların Küçük Putları

- Sünnet Etmek yaratılışı Değiştirmedir

- Son Peygamberimizin Mektupları

- Fıtrat ve Namaz Vakitleri

- Mescid-i Aksa Nerede?

- Büyük Kandırmaca: Hadis

- Kur'an Neden Arapça Olarak İndirilmiştir?

- Kimin dini? Kimin Kitabı? Kimin Meali?

- Evliya Kelimesinin geçtiği Ayetler

- Şimdiye Kadar Yaşanan İslam

- Ayın Yarılması Diye Bir Mucize Yoktur

- Kabe Dikili Taş Değil mi?

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Şu da emredildi: Yüzünü dine bir Hanif olarak çevir. Sakın müşriklerden olma.

Yunus Suresi 105

Ben bir Hanif olarak yüzümü gökleri ve yeri yaratana döndürdüm. Müşriklerden değilim ben.

Enam Suresi 79

İbrahim ne bir Yahudi idi, ne de bir Hıristiyan. O sadece hanif bir müslümandı. O müşriklerden değildi.

Ali İmran Suresi 67

Şu da kuşkusuz ki, İbrahim başlıbaşına bir ümmetti; bir Hanif olarak Allah'ın önünde eğiliyordu. Müşriklerden değildi.

Nahl Suresi 123

De ki Allah doğrusunu söylemiştir / vaadinde sadıktır.Haydi artık Hanif olarak İbrahim'in Milleti'ne uyun! Müşriklerden değildi o.

Ali İmran Suresi 95

Allah'a ortak koşmadan, Hanifler olarak... Allah'a ortak koşan kişi, gökten düşmüş de kendisini kuşlar kapışıyor veya rüzgar onu uzak bir yere fırlatıp atıyor gibidir.

Hacc Suresi 31

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  Hanif Islam


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Konu Konu: REASONS FOR ADDITIONS Yanıt YazYeni Konu Gönder
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Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


In the first three chapters we settled the question of the self-sufficiency of the Quran and in the fourth we produced clear evidence to show that the hadiths sanctified and clothed in the garb of holiness could not constitute a source for Islam, by pointing to the method of collection. Assuming that the companions of the Prophet are free from all error, the question of the literal representation in the collection of hadiths proved the unreliability of it, no matter how honorable the intention may have been. We shall no longer be dealing with these in the present chapter. The object of our study will be the intentional interpolations. This will enable us to have an insight into the reasons of inventions of which we shall furnish examples in Chapters 6, 7, 8 and 9.


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


Infidels have invented innumerable hadiths with a view to perverting Islam and adulterating the religion. Later, they and a host of non-believers who succeeded them used these hadits to subvert the foundations of Islam. Concealing their lack of faith in Islam, their hatred and the grudges in their hearts, they infiltrated into the midst of people clad in the garb of the true believer, and tried to sow dissent among the faithful and arouse suspicion in their minds. With this aim they invented an infinite number of concocted hadiths ascribing their authorship to the Prophet. There are verses in the Quran that speak of the hypocrites who had already infiltrated among the people during the lifetime of the Prophet.

The notorious atheist Abdulkerim b. Abil Avca had made the following statement before he was decapitated under Caliph Mahdi: “You are killing me; yet I have invented 4000 hadiths that adulterated your religion, turning the lawfully permitted into what was forbidden by the religion and the forbidden into the permitted.” Considering that there are 6000 verses in the Quran, the invention of 4000 hadiths by one single man can give you an idea of the harm that the so-called hadiths may have done. It is reported (by Ibni Hajar, Lisan’ul Mizan) that the number of hadiths invented by Ahmad bin Al Juvaybari, Muhammad bin Ukesha and Muhammad bin Tamim exceed, 10,000. Zahabi states that Ahmad bin Abdullah had invented thousands of hadiths allegedly based on hearsay evidence, ascribing his concoctions to the hadith imams. He mentions that he had heard from Dinar Abu Mikyas, who claimed to be the servant of Ahmad bin Abdullah, a whole invented page alleged to have originated from Anas bin Malik (Zahabi, Mizan). The hadith books are full of inventions willfully made to adulterate the religion. This is an established fact. But who can come forth and say that this hadith is authentic while that one is unauthentic? Who can claim that the sinister plots of the hypocrites already swarming around during the lifetime of the Prophet have not watered down what we have as hadiths today?


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


Not forty years had elapsed before clashes began between Ali, son-in-law of the Prophet, and Muaviya. From this moment on the world of Islam entered a phase of schisms and political turmoil. Politically disintegrated communities, deemed mutual excommunication and antagonism praiseworthy acts, invented hadiths in support of their respective ends and concluded that belief in their own political ideals was God’s order. They praised themselves to the skies while belittling the leaders of the opposition. We read in Halili that some 300,000 hadiths had been invented by Shiites in connection with Ali, son-in-law of the prophet, and the way Ali’s sayings had been distorted (Halili, Al Irshad). This number represents 50-fold the number of verses in the Quran. Someone who had broken away from the Shiites had declared: “May God punish them, they invented innumerable hadiths” (Muslim, Sahihi Muslim). The Sunni viewpoint that favored Abu Bakr to Ali and considered this as a requirement of their school of religion and their age old controversies outside the confines of the Quran is a good example. When Islam became politicized, those who wielded political power made use of religion to give shape to public opinion according to their interests. Thus they manipulated the people with a view to molding them to suit their own ends by making additions and omissions in religious practice.


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


Innumerable prominent persons reputed to be accomplished Muslims(!) are beautifully described by Yahya bin Said: “No greater lies were told in the field of hadiths than those pronounced by the devotee.” The author of one of the two major hadiths books said to be most reliable, Muslim, asserts and declares this fact. Muslim transmitted the following from what he had heard from Abu Zannat: “I came across some one hundred people in Madina, they were reliable people without exception, but the hadiths they transmitted were not creditable” (Muslim, Sahihi Muslim). As one can plainly see the fact that a good many pious people had invented hadiths they ascribed to the Prophet and this was an established fact in the eyes of the transmitters of the hadiths themselves. These people who deemed their opinions worthy of being added to the body of traditions believed that they had done a laudable act; for instance, by inventing something that the Quran did not contain, namely the segregation of men and women. They may have thought that by separating the men’s and women’s sections, adultery and corruption would be prevented. They should have put on their thinking caps and thought that had God so willed this, He would have included it in His Book. To expect that interpolating something one believes beneficial into the established religion is a primitive method of reasoning and its grave consequences are well known.


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


This item has some similarities with the preceding one. The types of persons under this heading are convinced that they will contribute to the promotion of religion, as if God needed their assistance, to make religion and ritual appear pleasant to the eyes of the public. This populist concern caused the revealed religion to be adulterated by invented hadiths and interpretations. Among these promoters of religion was also a man by the name of Abu Ismet Nuh who had invented a hadith to extol and exalt every Sura of the Quran. There are hadiths concocted with a view to praising the Prophet’s merits. These people argued as follows: “We told no lie on behalf of the Prophet; we did it simply to consolidate his message” (Ibn Hajar, Fethul Bari). What they did was not fraudulent according to them; they even considered their act a laudable and pious one.

These devout fanatics have formed one of the most dangerous religious classes. In fact, they were considered reliable people favored by the public whose behavior and acts they emulated. A tradition transmitted by them was accepted without any objection. In this way, the pure religion was watered down and the newly shaped creed replaced the original Islam.


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


Removed from the original pattern of Islam, people took man’s word for the word of God; this gave rise to wide divergences in Islamic concepts. Conflicting conclusions and dissensions led to the formation of schools or sects. People estranged from the true source of religion, the Quran, became partisans of factions. In this attempt, to justify their arguments and influence the public, they felt the need to base themselves on the hadiths fabricated to praise their respective sects while disparaging others. To give you an example, the following is a hadith fabricated by the members of the Hanafi sect: “Among my community an imam by the name of Shafi will rise. He is a fiend and his influence will be detrimental, worse than Satan’s. Among the members of my community a person by the name of Abu Hanafi will rise and he will be the light of my community” (Ibn Arrak, Tenzihus Sharia). On the other hand, the partisans of Imam Shafi did not remain idle; they also concocted hadiths. “The Quraish scholar (Imam Shafi) will spread his wisdom over the earth.” Then came the turn of the partisans of Imam Maliki and did not fail to declare their hadith. “A day will come when the necks of camels will be cut (long distances will be covered) and there will be no one wiser than the scholar of Medina” (Imam Maliki).

Abu Raja Muhriz, an old member of the Kadiriya order of dervishes, said: “Don’t let any hadith be transmitted from any member of Kadirie; for we fabricated hadiths with a view to drawing people to our sect, hoping thereby to perform a laudable and pious act. In this way I enrolled four thousand souls” (Ar jarhu we’l tadi’l).


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


As we have already pointed out, at the beginning of the movement of the collection of hadiths, especially under the Omayyad caliphs, threats and torture were everyday occurrences. The following saying of Ez Zuhri, claimed to be the first collector of hadiths, is evidence of this: “We did not like to invent hadiths. But the administrators (the Omayyad caliphs and their men) forced us to do it.” In collections made under pressure, the hadiths selected were those that gratified the powers that supported the conceptions of administrators related to culture, traditions and history. A great many of them were used to conform and corroborate traditions. For instance, when reference was made to a particular act of the Prophet, they used the introductory phrase: “The Prophet said that…” or “The Prophet has ordered that…” All the inventions and semantic deviations were carried out under the command of the powers in conformity with the views and concepts they cherished. Interpolations made under pressure were not confined to the Omayyads and the Abbasids. These interpolations of fabricated hadiths were later transformed into fatwas and canonical jurisprudence under the pressure of caliphs and governors. Under the Ottomans, the caliphate was to pass from father to son, and fratricide for the welfare of the State came to be admitted within the framework of these fatwas and canonical jurisprudence. This attitude is an indication of the freedom that the powers in charge enjoyed in regard of the revealed religion. All these took place at the request of the Sheikhulislam, considered an imposing personality clothed with authority and paid by the government.


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


Travelers who set out on journeys to collect hadiths had lucrative objectives. It is reported that Yakub b. Ibrahim would not transmit any hadiths unless he was paid one dinar per hadith. Abu Naim al-Fadl expected a consideration per hadith transmitted. Ali b. Jafar, a student of his, reported: “We copied hadiths from Abu Naim al Fadl in return for which he received from us precious dirhams. If the dirhams we had about us happened to be low in value, he asked extra consideration.” “There was no end to the liars wallowing in riches,” had retorted Ali b.Qasım to Shuba b. Hajjaj who had said that Umera b. Hafsa was rich, consequently he would not lie, and the hadiths he transmitted should be trusted after his special injunction to the effect that no hadiths should be received from the poor (Al kifaya).

There were also people who produced hadiths to order. In order to promote their merchandise many traders had recourse to the hadith agents in return for money, and had them invent hadiths extolling the benefits of the goods they sold. An example of this is the case of the perfume sellers who had invented hadiths praising the benefits of fragrance. Hadith fabricators like Abu’l Mujazzam, who fabricated 70 hadiths in return for one kurush as reported by Shuba b. Hajjaj, may be given as an example.


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


After the death of the Prophet and following the era of the first Four Caliphs, a class of people styled as story and parable tellers had developed the habit of sitting in mosques to preach, and people made a circle around them. What they were actually interested in was creating an image of superiority and repute in the minds of the public. They arranged their sermons to suit their ends. They well knew that the path that led to fame passed through religion, an institution of towering importance for the public; therefore, they took special care to have recourse to rhetoric and make their audience cry by the dramatic effects they created. They interspersed their stories with legends they fabricated about the Prophet. Heaven and hell were described with pathos to overpower their audience.

Although nothing was missing in the Quran about hell and heaven, these story and parable tellers drew on a great scale on the lore of hadiths to mystify and exhilarate people. Their professional merit was based on the extensive use they made of hadiths. This tragicomic picture of the state of affairs gave rise to the following incident: upon the announcement by Kulsum, the poet, that anyone who could touch his nose with the tip of his tongue would be spared the torture of hell, the congregation he preached to began to try it. Ibn ul Jawzi described these people as follows: “Among them were people who dipped their faces into all sorts of dyes to give their complexion a pallid appearance with a view to giving the impression that this was due to their fasting and devotion. There were others who made use of their fasting and devotion. There were others who made use of salt to bring tears to their eyes whenever they wanted to. Still others displayed great courage by throwing themselves down in a fit of transport from the chair above which they had lavishly decorated, or they banged on the desk and climbed and descended the flight of stairs in an agitated mood making violent gestures and gesticulations in the course of the narration of their stories that appeared odd to unfamiliar eyes” (Ibn ul Jawzi, al-Kussas wel Muzekkirin). A cursory examination of our environment will show us that these human figures described by Ibn ul Jawzi are reminiscent of the ‘impostor-fabricators’. Crocodile tears, running noses and excessive saliva, banging and gesticulating must associate in the minds the story-tellers described by Ibn ul Jawzi.

There was no limit to the imagination of the tellers of cock-and-bull stories. There was a man by the name of Jafar b. Nastur Frab who claimed to be three hundred and twenty years old and had had the opportunity of seeing the Prophet, and because of the Prophet’s prayers, he had lived for so many years. Rafan’s case was similar. These men, who lived in the fourth and eighth centuries AH, claimed they had been companions of the Prophet, and Rafan wrote a book that contained three hundred hadiths and had succeeded in gathering around him many disciples.


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

Katılma Tarihi: 18 eylul 2005
Gönderilenler: 64
Gönderen: 30 kasim 2019 Saat 00:16 | Kayıtlı IP Alıntı YemLiha


As we may well remember, the Quran has laid down certain precepts, injunctions and commands leaving a great many issues to the discretion of man. We studied this point in Chapter 2 and will be further tackling it in Chapter 39. Men are supposed to act as it may seem best to them in their own respective fields within the framework of their traditions, customs and views of the world. The Quran makes no mention of any table manners and does not say whether we should eat with our fingers, use a fork or sticks or not. There is no prescription for the garments a man or a woman should wear, whether a man should wear a turban, a mantle, a necktie or a shirt or whether a woman should wear a kimono. Given the fact that we are free in our actions in the fields left to our discretions, we are at liberty to choose among the alternatives mentioned above. To say that something is permissible or not would contradict the Quran. An important part of the interpolations during the reign of the Omayyads and the Abbasids was made under the guise of traditions and customs to which they gave a holy character. The Quran was explicit and contained nothing regarding traditions and customs. The thing to be done therefore was to invent hadiths and give a sacred character to traditions and customs in a Sunni background. Because of the racist and tribalist concepts of the Arab-Omayyad, many traits were introduced in the religion as practiced, ranging from the Arabic language to the fashions of the time, the food, and the manner of using the toilet (for details see Chapter16).


Yukarı dön Göster YemLiha's Profil Diğer Mesajlarını Ara: YemLiha

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